Average Cold Call Conversion Rate by Industry

Our team studied the average cold call conversion rate, which is an average of 2% across the entirety of cold calls in our study, but we investigated this figure with much more granularity. We segmented the average cold call conversion rate by:

  • Industry: Industries where cold calling is common inevitably reduce the effectiveness of even the best cold calling campaign. 
  • Price of Product: The average cost of the product will determine the closing rate, as more expensive products will typically close at a lower percentage.
  • Brand Presence: If your brand is immediately recognizable to the prospect, either through industry-specific or national presence, the cold call has a greater chance of closing.
  • Training Quality: If your team receives high-quality cold call training, this will improve conversion rates.
  • Training Frequency: Along the same lines, daily sales training and role-playing improve cold-calling results.


Each campaign is broken down by domestic and abroad cold callers, as our research shows that domestic cold callers will see vastly greater results than cold callers from overseas. Additionally, for the purpose of this report, conversion rate is defined as the percentage of outbound calls where the decision maker is reached that result in a sale.

Definition of Cold Call: Cold calls for the purpose of this report include any calls to a cold list that have not requested information or had any prior formal contact with your company. 


The Cold Call Conversion Funnel

The following graphic maps the cold call conversion funnel. This can change based on the specific company and how their sales process works.

The Average Cold Call Conversion Rate by Industry

This table breaks down the most common industries cold calls are used for and the expected conversion rate. 

IndustryConversion RateCalls Needed for a Sale
Janitorial and Cleaning Services2.43%41
Printing and Publishing Services2.36%42
Office Supplies and Equipment2.29%44
Business Services (HR, Payroll, Marketing)2.22%45
Food and Beverage Distribution2.15%47
Consulting Services2.07%48
Event Planning and Management Services2.01%50
Training and Development Services1.93%52
Real Estate Services1.87%54
Facility Management Services1.73%58
Agricultural Equipment and Supplies1.65%60
Security Systems and Services1.59%63
Logistics and Transportation1.51%66
Wholesale Distribution1.45%69
Energy Solutions1.37%73
Financial Services1.31%76
Manufacturing Components1.24%81
Chemical Products1.17%86
Medical Devices and Equipment0.95%105
Construction Materials0.89%113
Technology Solutions and Software0.81%123
Industrial Equipment and Machinery0.75%134


The Average Cold Call Conversion Rate by Price of Product

As expected, more expensive products will close at a lower rate. This is dependent on industry, as for some industries, $50,000 could be a low-cost product, but for others, that could be a premium product. 

Price RangeConversion RateCalls Needed for a Sale
$500 - $10,0002.25%44
$10,000 - $50,0001.99%50
$50,000 - $100,0001.73%58
$100,000 - $500,0001.48%68
$500,000 - $1,000,0001.24%81
$1,000,000 - $5,000,0000.99%101
$5,000,000 - $10,000,0000.75%134


The Average Cold Call Conversion Rate by Brand Presence

Companies with stronger brand presence will keep people on the phone for longer. When the salesperson introduces themself, the company they say they are from determines, in many ways, if the prospect will continue to listen. 

As an example, saying “Hey *prospect*, this is Chase with Apple” will carry more weight than saying “Hey *prospect*, this is Chase with Random Computer Company”. 

Brand RecognitionExample CompanyConversion RateCalls Needed for a Sale
Niche BrandsZoomInfo1.10%91


The Average Cold Call Conversion Rate Increase by Training Quality

As companies provide better, more effective sales training to their employees, their cold call conversion rate will increase. We measured the average increase in results from training. 

Training QualityConversion Rate Impact
No formal training-1.25%
Basic Training (1-2 sessions)0.12%
Intermediate Training (3-5 sessions)0.30%
Advanced Training (Ongoing, role-plays, feedback)1.60%
Elite Training (Customized, continuous improvement)2.29%


The Average Cold Call Conversion Rate Increase by Training Frequency

Consistency is the most important factor of sales training, and we recommend daily sales training. 

Training FrequencyConversion Rate Impact
No Regular Training-0.46%


Further Reading & Next Steps

We recommend that companies implement a strict training program for employees missing the benchmark. See the following resources for further reading:


We would be remiss if we did not mention that the best method of acquiring customers at the lowest CAC possible is developing a consistent source of inbound leads. We help companies build such systems to generate highly qualified leads consistently and with predictability. If you are interested, please reach out here.


