Average Cold Email Conversion Rate by Industry – 2024 Report

The Focus Digital team analyzed the average cold email conversion rates across hundreds of cold email campaigns to compile the following report. The average conversion rate is 0.2153% (1 deal for every 464 emails sent) across industries, but this will vary widely based on the following factors:

  • Industry: Some industries have more competition for the prospect’s inbox and other industries may use email as a means of communication to different degrees, affecting the conversion rate. 
  • Number of Emails Sent: Generally, as more emails are sent, the less personalized the emails will be, lowering conversion rates.
  • Online Presence: If the company is recognizable or has a substantial online presence, the conversion rate will increase due to the perceived lower likelihood of the email being spam. 
  • Offer Quality: Compelling offers are more likely to receive responses from a cold email. 

Defining The Cold Email Conversion Funnel

The cold email conversion funnel is made up of the following stages:

If you are interested in a full report of cold email open rates by industry, see our report on B2B cold email open rates. 

For the purpose of this report, we will be calculating the full funnel conversion rate, as in, the number of cold emails sent to acquire one customer. We calculated this using the following formula:

Cold Email Conversion Rate = Number of Customers Acquired / Number of Cold Emails Sent

All data is included below, but if you prefer, you can find what you need with this widget instead:

Cold Email Conversion Rate Widget

Average Cold Email Conversion Rate


Average Cold Email Conversion Rate by Industry

The following table gives the average cold email conversion rate by industry. 

IndustryConversion RateEmails Needed to Close Deal
SaaS (Software as a Service)0.03078%3249
IT Services0.04170%2398
Cloud Computing0.06337%1578
Consulting Services0.07424%1347
Marketing and Advertising0.08505%1176
Financial Services0.09597%1042
Legal Services0.10677%937
Human Resources and Recruiting0.11766%850
Machinery and Equipment0.12856%778
Chemical Manufacturing0.16108%621
Medical Devices0.17195%582
Healthcare Services0.19367%516
Corporate Training Programs0.21539%464
Educational Software0.22626%442
E-learning Platforms0.23711%422
Freight and Shipping0.24797%403
Supply Chain Management0.25880%386
Transportation Services0.26970%371
Commercial Real Estate0.28051%356
Property Management0.29138%343
Real Estate Technology0.30227%331
Investment Firms0.31309%319
Insurance Companies0.32393%309
Accounting Services0.33477%299
Wholesale Suppliers0.34565%289
E-commerce Platforms0.35650%281
Retail Technology Solutions0.36734%272
Renewable Energy Solutions0.37821%264
Oil and Gas Services0.38905%257
Energy Management Systems0.40000%250


Industries that rely on email for communication more often typically have a higher cold email conversion rate. However, if the medium is also used heavily for sales, conversion rates may dip because of market oversaturation


Average Cold Email Conversion Rate by Number of Emails Sent

In this analysis, we give the conversion rate by the number of emails sent. This is, of course, assuming the testing phase is over and a message-prospect synergy has been found. This will vary depending on the script. 

Number of Emails SentConversion RateEmails Needed to Close Deal
< 1000.39999%250
101 - 5000.32391%309
501 - 1,0000.24799%403
1,001 - 5,0000.17193%582
5,000 +0.09596%1042


Average Cold Email Conversion Rate by Level of Online Presence

If a company has little to no online presence, many prospects will assume that the email is a scam. However, if the email comes from a recognizable or easily found brand that consistently produces social media and website content, the chance of response and conversion goes up dramatically. Video content from the person sending the email visible on the website or simply their picture will improve results. 

Online Presence LevelConversion RateEmails Needed to Close Deal
Minimal (No Website / Social)0.03085%3242
Basic (Simple Website)0.07422%1347
Moderate (Active Social Media)0.23712%422
Strong (Recognized Brand)0.29133%343
Excellent (High Engagement)0.37825%264


Average Cold Email Conversion Rate by Offer Quality

If a company does not have a compelling offer, then it will be difficult to sell from cold traffic. The following factors encompass a good offer to cold traffic:

  • Quantifiable Result: The result of the offer should be specific and measurable (i.e. increase in closed deals by 5% from a CRM)
  • Guarantee: The quantifiable metric should be guaranteed to the customer in some form or fashion (i.e. if you don’t see an increase in closed deals by 5%, we will let you use the system for free for up to 6 months)
  • Case Studies: At least 3 case studies should be available of the result being achieved. 
  • Time Horizon: A specific time in which the result will be achieved is crucial. 


Offer QualityConversion RateEmails Needed to Close Deal
Basic Offer (No Specifics)0.03085%3241
Specific Offer (Quantifiable Results)0.05255%1903
Specific Offer with Guarantee0.20447%489
Specific Offer with Case Studies0.21537%464
Comprehensive Offer (All Factors Present)0.38913%257


Downloading this Report & Next Steps

If you need a PDF of this report, feel free to contact us here. To watch our training on using SEO to build a lead-generation system, click here. 
