Contractor SEO Case Study

The following case study outlines the SEO strategy we implemented for a local contracting company providing heating and cooling services. They are one of the only locally owned HVAC contractors in their area, meaning competing against the increasing number of private equity-owned companies was becoming more difficult. 


The Opportunity

The company came to us with basic technical SEO and content writing being performed by another SEO agency. After 8 months of investment, they had not seen any increase in rankings, traffic, or phone calls. This was due to the following reasons:

  • Meta tags on the website are not properly aligned with common revenue-driving keywords
  • Website content does not convey local expertise, which hurts rankability on Google and conversions
  • Service pages feature generic content and are not specific enough to show niche expertise and rank at the top of Google


The company came to Focus Digital with the following goals:

  • Rank for revenue-driving keywords such as “HVAC company” and “AC repair”
  • Publish thought leadership content designed to rank on Google
  • Increase the number of phone calls for service calls


The Solution

By following our process of an SEO strategic plan followed by consistent content publication, we made them a competitive force in their local market, consistently appearing on the first page in their local area for transactional, high-intent keywords.

We did this by first outlining the necessary pages and content needed for each of their service areas. Each of the pages was personalized to the service area, including content that is hyper-specific to HVAC concerns residents of that area may face. 

Writers assigned to the campaign were HVAC subject matter experts, meaning the level of content provided was top quality. We also implemented the publication of data articles, which built thought leadership and trust with the Google algorithm.

The Focus Digital strategy of earning the top slot on Google with transactional, service-based keywords proved effective. Our content is designed to earn a ranking at the top of Google, rather than rely on decade-old SEO tactics.


The Results – 20 First Page Rankings for Transactional Keywords in 4 Months

The campaign resulted in a substantial increase in page one rankings, as shown in the graph below. Competing against some of the largest HVAC companies in the US was no easy task, but we successfully carved out rankings on Google for our client, allowing them to consistently generate service jobs from organic search. 

We ranked on the first page for the top 20 transactional keywords for the company in four months of content publication, including “ac repair”, “hvac company”, and “heating and cooling company”. 

Ahrefs data showing an increase in total keyword rankings throughout the campaign. 


Future Outlook

Progressing through this campaign, we will be looking to achieve the following:

  • Increase rankings through the publication of shareable data and insights
  • Add additional content to each location page to improve geographical relevancy
  • Improve domain rating and Google trust to rank for more competitive commercial keywords


For any questions about this case study, reach out here.

