Marketing Funnel KPIs by Funnel Type

In this analysis, our team collected data for various common marketing funnels and provided KPIs in dollars and percentages for each. Here is what we’ve included:

  • Common marketing funnels and the steps in each funnel
  • Expected KPIs in dollars and percentages
  • Calculate your KPIs


Common Marketing Funnels & The Steps in Each Funnel

The following section describes common marketing funnel types, the steps of each funnel, and what buyer awareness the funnel falls into.  

Funnel TypeFunnel StepsBuyer Awareness Level
Lead MagnetLanding Page, Download PageUnaware, Problem Aware, Solution Aware
E-Commerce FunnelSales Page, Check Out Page, Upsell Page, Downsell Page, Confirmation PageAll
Webinar FunnelRegistration Page, Registration Confirmation Page, Webinar Page, Action Page, Confirmation PageProblem Aware, Solution Aware
Video Sales Letter FunnelVideo Page, Action Page, Confirmation PageSolution Aware, Product Aware
Call FunnelScheduling Page, Confirmation PageProduct Aware, Most Aware


Defining the Levels of Buyer Awareness

Level of AwarenessDefinition
UnawareAt this level, the potential client is unaware of any problem that must be solved. Generally, marketers focus on problem education at this stage.
Problem AwareIn this stage, the potential client is aware of a particular problem he or she might have but remains unaware that solutions are available for their problem.
Solution AwarePotential clients in this state are consciously aware that solutions exist for their problem, but they do not yet know about specific offerings your firm may provide.
Product AwareAt the product aware level, the potential client is informed about your firm and the various value propositions you provide, but is not convinced that your firm provides the best solution firm for them.
Most AwareFinally, most aware potential clients believe your firm is most likely the right solution for them, but may require a slight nudge in order to give your firm their business.


Defining the Funnel Steps

The table defines what elements may be found on each funnel step. 

Funnel StepRecommended Elements
Landing PageHeadline w/ Value Proposition, Bullet Points w/ Curiosity Building Statements, Simple Submission Form
Download PageButton to Download Form, Optional: Video or other CTA to Give Leads a Next Step
Sales PageHeadline w/ Value Proposition, Bullet w/ with Features, Image Gallery, Demonstration Video, Frequently Asked Questions, Customer Testimonials, Pricing Information
Check Out PageForm to Accept Payment, Shipping Information, Order Bump Check Box
Upsell PageStatus Bar Indicating Check Out is Not Complete, Headline with Value Proposition of Upsell, Video Confirming their Decision & Explaining the Upsold Product, Clear Pricing & Discount Display, Button to Add to Order, Text Link to Skip
Downsell PageStatus Bar Indicating Check Out is Not Complete, Headline with Value Proposition of Downsell, Offer Already Presented Products at a Lower Cost, Video Confirming their Decision & Explaining the Upsold Product, Clear Pricing & Discount DisplayButton to Add to Order, Text Link to Skip
Confirmation PageInformation About Order, Other Product Offerings Displayed in Grid Format
Registration PageHeadline Conveying Value Proposition of Webinar, Bullet Points on Topics to Be Covered, Bonus Incentive for Attending, Date/Time Details
Registration Confirmation PageTime/Date Details, Add to Calendar Button, Video Thanking Them for Registering and Reiterating What They Will Get
Webinar PageSimple Page with Video, Information About Speaker
Action PagePurchase Product/Book a CallReiterate the Main Reasons for Doing So, Feature Testimonials
Video PageHeadline Building Curiosity to Watch Video, Button/CTA Directly Below Video, More Bulleted Information Below CTA
Scheduling PageSimple Calendar System to Book a Call, Bullet Points with Benefits of a Call


Expected KPIs In Dollars & Percentages

In the following section, we have included KPIs for the cost of moving a potential customer from one step of the funnel to the next, in addition to the percentage of people who should be expected to convert at each step. 

Lead Magnet

Step$ KPI% KPI
Cost Per Click to LP$1 - $51% - 3%
Cost per Lead$5 - $2520% +
Lead to Customer$50 - $5005% - 10%



Step$ KPI% KPI
Click to View Landing Page$1 - $51% - 3%
Sales Conversion$20 - $5001% - 5%
Order Bump$100 - $2,50020% +
Upsell/Downsell$133 - $6673% - 15%



Step$ KPI% KPI
Click to View Landing Page$1 - $51% - 3%
Webinar Opt In$2.50 - $2520% - 40%
Webinar Show Up$12.5 - $25010% - 20%
Webinar Buy Rate$250 - $25,0001% - 5%


Video Sales Letter

Step$ KPI% KPI
Click to View Landing Page$1 - $51% - 3%
Opt-In for Video$5 - $2520% +
Book Call$50 - $3005% +
Convert to Customer$250 - $1,50020% +



Step$ KPI% KPI
Click to View Landing Page$1 - $51% - 3%
Book Call$100 - $1,0000.5% - 1%
Convert to Customer$500 - $5,00020% +


Calculate Your Target KPIs

Use the calculator below to calculate how much you can afford to pay at each step of the funnel. Judge the outputs by the provided ranges above to determine if your product is realistic for that type of funnel. 

Funnel KPI Calculator

Improving Your Sales Funnel

If your sales funnel is out of KPI and you would like our conversion optimization team to take a look, please reach out on the Contact Us page. 
