Average Customer Acquisition Cost for Software Companies

When launching an advertising campaign for a software company, the two most important metrics are customer acquisition cost (CAC) and customer lifetime value (LTV). Many software companies are unaware of what their CAC should be, leading to wasted advertising spend. In this article, we have provided the average CAC for software companies broken down by:


A note on CAC:LTV ratios: We recommend that software companies maintain a CAC:LTV ratio of no less than 1:3, but ideally 1:4 or 1:5. To translate, that means for every $1 spent on marketing, $3, $4, or $5 is returned. Generally, software companies in stages of rapid growth should keep their CAC:LTV ratio around 1:3 to ensure the maximum number of customers possible are being generated without burning money. 

However, software companies not looking to grow rapidly should aim for a CAC:LTV ratio of 1:4 or 1:5, as this maintains a healthy margin for the company whilst acquiring new customers at scale. Feel free to reach out to us for specific recommendations on a healthy CAC:LTV ratio, as it can and will vary by each company’s situation. 

To calculate your CAC, use the following formula:

CAC = Total Spend on Marketing \ Number of New Customer Acquired

Organic versus Paid: You’ll notice each of our CAC benchmarks with the exception of acquisition channels are split into organic and paid price benchmarks. Paid advertising channels, generally Google Ads, Meta Ads, influencer marketing, and other types of advertising where dollars are traded for impressions along a linear relationship. 

Inversely, organic methods include non-paid social media (as in posting content), SEO, and email marketing. These channels compound (when implemented correctly) without incrementally more spend on the channels. For example, an SEO campaign will break even, on average, between 6-8 months after launch for most software companies. But, in year three, ROI commonly tops 1,000%.

Now, here are our software company CAC benchmarks. 


Average CAC By Industry

We have subdivided the following industries and provided CACs for each. 

Healthcare Finance and Banking Retail and E-commerce
Education Manufacturing Real Estate
Transportation and Logistics Hospitality and Tourism Media and Entertainment
Telecommunications Legal Construction
Energy and Utilities Agriculture Government
Nonprofit Human Resources Technology
Food and Beverage



Electronic Health Records (EHR)$2,575$3,890
Medical Imaging$2,819$4,230
Healthcare Management Systems$2,020$3,001


Finance and Banking

Finance and BankingOrganicPaid
Fintech Solutions$1,399$2,106
Investment Management$1,787$2,706
Banking Software$990$1,493
Accounting Software$809$1,202


Retail and E-commerce

Retail and E-commerceOrganicPaid
E-commerce Platforms$120$179
Point of Sale (POS) Systems$243$362
Inventory Management$141$209
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)$362$538



Learning Management Systems (LMS)$481$722
Virtual Classrooms$239$359
Student Information Systems$523$785
Educational Content Delivery$202$298



Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)$2,816$4,169
Supply Chain Management$2,175$3,275
Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES)$2,792$4,208
Quality Management Systems$1,614$2,402


Real Estate

Real EstateOrganicPaid
Property Management$1,012$1,490
Real Estate CRM$515$779
Virtual Tour Software$359$537
Real Estate Analytics$803$1,205


Transportation and Logistics

Transportation and LogisticsOrganicPaid
Fleet Management$1,385$2,092
Logistics and Supply Chain Solutions$1,592$2,418
Transportation Management Systems (TMS)$1,395$2,083
Route Optimization Software$1,006$1,505


Hospitality and Tourism

Hospitality and TourismOrganicPaid
Hotel Management Software$674$1,021
Travel Booking Systems$445$658
Event Management$476$721
Customer Feedback Systems$238$360


Media and Entertainment

Media and EntertainmentOrganicPaid
Content Management Systems (CMS)$476$723
Streaming Platforms$999$1,501
Digital Asset Management$727$1,075
Video Editing and Production Software$239$358



Network Management$519$782
Customer Billing Systems$402$597
VoIP Solutions$243$361
Customer Support Software$239$357


Case Management$1,008$1,497
Document Management$521$775
Legal Research Tools$398$604
Time Tracking and Billing$479$718



Project Management$1,616$2,384
BIM (Building Information Modeling)$2,212$3,276
Construction Estimating$1,581$2,384
Field Service Management$1,402$2,110


Energy and Utilities

Energy and UtilitiesOrganicPaid
Energy Management Systems$1,593$2,382
Utility Billing Software$1,006$1,501
Grid Management$2,189$3,294
Renewable Energy Software$1,200$1,808



Farm Management Software$1,009$1,496
Precision Agriculture$989$1,511
Agricultural Marketplaces$721$1,073
Supply Chain and Logistics$1,021$1,491



Public Sector ERP$2,392$3,600
Citizen Engagement Platforms$1,004$1,494
Permit and Licensing Systems$1,008$1,490
Emergency Management Software$1,590$2,413



Donor Management Systems$475$714
Fundraising Software$240$361
Volunteer Management$237$359
Grant Management$239$358

Human Resources

Human ResourcesOrganicPaid
HR Management Systems (HRMS)$714$1,079
Recruitment Software$485$716
Payroll Solutions$398$603
Employee Engagement Platforms$397$597



IT Service Management (ITSM)$1,187$1,799
Software Development Tools$481$719
Cybersecurity Solutions$1,001$1,496
Cloud Services and Infrastructure$1,007$1,511


Food and Beverage

Food and BeverageOrganicPaid
Restaurant Management Systems$240$360
Food Delivery Platforms$141$209
Inventory Management$200$301
Recipe and Menu Management$141$209


Average CAC By Market Size

Generally, a smaller market necessitates a more expensive product as CACs rise with a smaller market. 

Market SizeDescriptionOrganicPaid
SmallLocal or niche markets with specific focus$442$661
MediumRegional or mid-sized enterprises$2,404$3,580
LargeNational or large enterprises with significant market presence$10,052$14,915
GlobalInternational or global enterprises with widespread presence$47,556$71,591


Average CAC by Customer Size

Whether the software company primarily serves small businesses, mid-size businesses, or enterprise companies will heavily affect the CAC. 

Customer SizeDescriptionOrganicPaid
Small BusinessCompanies with fewer than 50 employees$441$663
Medium BusinessCompanies with 50 to 500 employees$2,375$3,620
Large BusinessCompanies with 500 to 5,000 employees$10,110$14,936
EnterpriseCompanies with over 5,000 employees$47,938$72,006


Average CAC by Sales Model

Some companies utilize more labor-intensive sales approaches, which lead to higher CACs.

Sales ModelDescriptionOrganicPaid
Self ServiceCustomers purchase without sales interaction$441$663
Inside SalesSales conducted remotely via phone, email, or online$2,388$3,591
Field SalesHigh-touch sales with in-person meetings and interactions$10,056$15,122
Channel SalesSales through partners, resellers, or distributors$4,824$7,195


Average CAC by Adoption Stage

Companies taking on early adopters as customers will inevitably experience higher CACs as a larger percentage of advertising spend must go towards problem education.  

Adoption StageDescriptionOrganicPaid
Early AdoptersCustomers who are quick to adopt new technologies$4,747$7,258
Early MajorityCustomers who adopt new technologies after seeing some success$3,597$5,417
Late MajorityCustomers who adopt new technologies once they are well-established$2,386$3,615
LaggardsCustomers who are slow to adopt new technologies$1,197$1,800


Average CAC by Price Point

Below is our analysis of various software companies selling products in various price ranges and their average CACs. Your company may have several pricing tiers, in which case CACs should be tracked separately for each pricing tier and measured against these accordingly. 

Price PointDescriptionOrganicPaid
FreemiumFree with optional paid upgrades$40$60
Low$1 - $100 per month$444$656
Mid$100 - $1,000 per month$2,407$3,572
High $1,000 - $10,000 per month$9,903$14,885
Enterprise$10,000+ per month$47,623$71,717


Average CAC by Acquisition Channel

There is a wide spread in the average CAC across the most common acquisition channels. Generally the lower the CAC, the longer a company must invest in the channel before yielding a result. 

Acquisition ChannelCAC
Email Marketing$695
Organic Social Media$1,158
Conferences & Events$1,622
Direct Sales$1,854
Affiliate Marketing$2,085


Final Thoughts: Lowering Your CAC

The best way to lower your CAC, at a high level, is to optimize marketing spend towards channels acquiring customers at cheaper CACs. For most companies, this will mean leaning into a thought leadership SEO campaign. SEO consistently generates new customers across industries at lower costs than nearly any other marketing campaign type. 

If website traffic is high through other sources such as referrals from other websites or traffic sources such as Google Ads or Meta, consider split testing the copy on the primarily landing pages on the website and optimizing down primary conversion paths. 

For more information on SEO or a copy of this report, please reach out to us on our Contact Us page.
