Average Sales Call Conversion Rate by Industry

Our team performed a meta-analysis of sales call conversion rate statistics across 25 industries to determine benchmarks. The average sales call conversion rate will vary between 7.5% and 22.5%, with influencing factors including industry, acquisition channel, and price point of the product or service. 

For the purposes of this study, we are measuring the sales call conversion rate of SQLs (sales qualified leads) to sales. This data should not be taken as cold call conversion rates. Data for this report was compiled from an analysis of hundreds of companies to ensure reliability and statistical significance. 


Average Sales Call Conversion Rate by Industry

The following data represents the average conversion rate of a sales call with a qualified buyer in the purchasing cycle. This can vary based on the quality of the product or service, price, competitive landscape, and other factors. 

IndustryConversion Rate
Janitorial and Cleaning Services21.43%
Printing and Publishing Services21.17%
Office Supplies and Equipment19.99%
Business Services (HR, Payroll, Marketing)19.32%
Food and Beverage Distribution19.39%
Consulting Services18.71%
Event Planning and Management Services17.97%
Training and Development Services17.53%
Real Estate Services16.22%
Facility Management Services15.72%
Agricultural Equipment and Supplies15.28%
Security Systems and Services14.33%
Logistics and Transportation14.10%
Wholesale Distribution12.60%
Energy Solutions11.98%
Financial Services11.42%
Manufacturing Components11.32%
Chemical Products11.01%
Medical Devices and Equipment9.21%
Construction Materials8.19%
Technology Solutions and Software7.41%
Industrial Equipment and Machinery6.61%


Average Sales Call Conversion Rate by Price Point

Our study concluded that the price point of the product or service heavily influenced the conversion rate of the sales call. This can fluctuate the industry and the standard price for that product or service. 

Price RangeConversion Rate
$500 - $10,00020.31%
$10,000 - $50,00017.22%
$50,000 - $100,00015.98%
$100,000 - $500,00013.33%
$500,000 - $1,000,00011.78%
$1,000,000 - $5,000,0008.90%
$5,000,000 - $10,000,0007.18%


Average Sales Call Conversion Rate by Marketing Channel

Depending on the original marketing channel, sales call conversion rates will fluctuate up and down. Generally, leads from more trusted sources like a referral or SEO (the Google algorithm) will be more likely to convert when it is time to sign the dotted line.

Acquisition ChannelConversion Rate
Email Marketing18.02%
Search Engine Optimization16.75%
Partner & Channel Programs14.22%
Industry Events / Trade Shows10.73%
Social Media Marketing9.12%
Direct Sales & Cold Calling7.41%


Further Reading & Requesting a Copy of this Report

For further reading, see our reports on customer acquisition cost by industry, marketing funnel KPIs, and webinar conversion rates. 


To request a copy of this report, reach out on our Contact Us page.


