Average Sales Cycle Length by Industry: 2024 Report

Our team conducted a comprehensive study of the average sales cycle length by industry with further segmentation based on the sales cycle stage. We have also presented information for the average sales cycle length based on the company size of the prospect, the sales channel, and the complexity of the product. 

You’ll notice that we have left product prices off of our list of analyses. While we examined this metric, we concluded that there was insufficient data to segment based on price point, as price point does not directly influence the sales cycle length, but rather the percentage of price to the prospect’s revenue. 


Average Sales Cycle Length by Industry & Pipeline Stage

The following table displays the average sales cycle length by industry with further segmentation by the pipeline stage. 

Industry Initial Contact (days) Proposal (days) Negotiation (days) Closing (days) Total (days)
Software 14 30 25 21 90
Manufacturing 18 45 35 32 130
Healthcare 22 35 40 28 125
Financial Services 16 28 30 24 98
Retail 10 20 22 18 70
Technology 20 38 33 30 121
Consulting 17 32 28 26 103
Education 25 40 32 29 126
Real Estate 15 36 30 24 105
Telecommunications 14 33 29 27 103
Hospitality 12 25 26 22 85
Logistics 20 35 34 28 117
Energy 30 50 40 35 155
Pharmaceuticals 28 45 42 38 153
Automotive 16 33 28 27 104
Construction 22 42 37 33 134
Media & Entertainment 18 38 31 28 115
Agriculture 27 48 30 29 134
Non-Profit 35 55 38 34 162
Insurance 20 40 35 32 127


Average Sales Cycle Length by Company Size

In this segmentation, we moved our study to be industry-agnostic and solely focused on the prospect’s company size to give the average sales cycle length. 

Prospect Company Size Initial Contact (days) Proposal (days) Negotiation (days) Closing (days) Total (days)
1-10 Employees 7 14 10 7 38
11-50 Employees 10 20 15 12 57
51-200 Employees 14 25 20 18 77
201-500 Employees 18 30 25 22 95
501-1000 Employees 22 35 30 28 115
1001-5000 Employees 28 40 35 32 135
5001-10,000 Employees 35 45 40 38 158
10,001+ Employees 40 50 50 45 185


Average Sales Cycle Length by Sales Channel & Complexity of Product

In this analysis, we crossed sales channels and the complexity of the product to determine the average sales cycle length for both variables. Our findings were interesting, as inbound channels cut the sales cycle length drastically, versus the outbound channels that extended the sales cycle length as a greater degree of rapport needed to be built before the true selling could occur. 

Sales Channel Low Complexity (days) Medium Complexity (days) High Complexity (days)
SEO 28 50 75
Google Ads 34 55 80
Email Marketing 42 60 85
Cold Calling 60 85 110
Social Media Outreach 48 72 95
Direct Mail 65 90 120
Content Marketing 38 68 95
PPC (other than Google Ads) 36 62 92
Trade Shows 80 100 150
Webinars 45 80 130
Partnerships/Affiliates 30 60 105
Referrals 20 35 60


How to Shorten Your Sales Cycle Length

Sales cycles take as long as it takes for the prospect to become fully convinced that you are the solution to their want, need, or desire. This generally happens in two stages, as the prospect must trust you personally first, and then they must trust your delivery mechanism will achieve their desired result. 

For example, let’s pretend for a moment you own a manufacturing company making small components to assemble final products for other companies. A prospect must initially trust that you are trustworthy before they allow you to sell them that your company can make their needed components to spec, deliver on time, etc. 

To do this, the most important factors are what we refer to as sales assets. A sales asset is devised of any sources of proof that you can deliver what you say you can deliver. The following are examples of sales assets:

Sales Assets


*Each of the above is linked to an example

Each of the above sales assets represents a piece of evidence that you can achieve the results you say you can achieve. The more refined each of these is to the client’s situation specifically, the more powerful. For example, if I am selling widgets, it is great to have a long list of client testimonials for my widgets. However, if I am selling this widget to a farmer, then it is better for the long list of testimonials to all be from farmers. 


Further Reading & Next Steps

Our team specializes in developing sales assets and strategic content to convert prospects into customers. We take the time to learn the aspects of your business that are the true selling points and convey that to prospects during the sales process in the right order, at the right time. To learn more about this, see the following further reading:


For any further questions, we invite you to contact us on our Contact Us page.


